[History] Two works: (1). Herstelde Leeuw,
of Discours, over 't gepasseerde in de Vereenighde Nederlanden, in 't Jaar 1650. ende 1651. Door L.V.A. [Lieuwe van Aitzema]. Amsterdam, Jan Fredericksz Stam, 1655, 763,(5) p., with engraved frontispiece, contemporary overlapping vellum, 12mo (very good copy).
Lieuwe van Aitzema (1600-1669) was a Dutch duplomat, historian, spy for England during the First and Second Anglo-Dutch Wars, bon vivant and libertine. Because Van Aitzema included a large number of official documents in his works and supplied them with commentary, they are still of great importance to present-day historians. Cleverness and sarcasm make his style intriguing and vivacious. (Wikipedia). The first edition of Herstelde Leeuw appeared in 1652, its publication was banned.
With: (2). De Stadthouderlijcke Regeeringe in Hollandt ende West-Vrieslant. Dat is Een kort en bondigh Verhael van de Gedenckwaerdighste daden ende wercken der Hollantsche Stadthouders (...). Amsterdam, J.C. van der Gracht, 1662, 96 p., later vellum, 12mo (partly cut short). Attributed to J. Uytenhage de Mist and J.C. van der Gracht is possibly a pseudonum of the Hackii in Leiden (total 2).