
Auction 5: Lots 1 - 1041

The auction took place at 28th of March 2011 at the Bethanieënklooster in Amsterdam. Here you can find the results of this auction.

LOTS 1 - 40
n.v.t.: 1-40 Children's Books
LOTS 100 - 187
n.v.t.: 100-187 Old Books
LOTS 290 - 338
n.v.t.: 290-338 Picture Card Albums & Commercial Games
LOTS 230 - 245
n.v.t.: 230-245 Maritime
LOTS 371 - 408
n.v.t.: 371 - 408 Photography
LOTS 411 - 434
n.v.t.: 411-434 Literature
LOTS 435 - 499
n.v.t.: 435- 499 Art and applied arts
LOTS 500 - 569
n.v.t.: 500-569 Curiosa
LOTS 600 - 612
n.v.t.: 600-612 Trading Catalogues
LOTS 630 - 655
n.v.t.: 630-655 Sports
LOTS 656 - 769
n.v.t.: 656-769 Posters
LOTS 770 - 999
n.v.t.: 770-999 Comics
LOTS 1000 - 1041
n.v.t.: 1000-1041 Varia


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