
LOT 125
SOLD €400,00

't Verheugd Amsterdam ter gelegenheid van het plegtig bezoek hunner doorlugtige en koningklyke hoogheden Willem, prinse van Oranje

(...) en zyne gemaalinne Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina prinsesse van Pruissen. By Jan Wagenaar. Amst., Yntema and Tieboel, 1768 [=1772], (2),6,74 p., engr. title-p. [with J. Smit's address], 14 double-p. plates by S. Fokke and R. Vinkeles, blind tooled contemporary parchment, folio.

This work appeared in 4to and folio size, our copy concerns the folio size in a stunning parchment binding.

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