
LOT 1612

Year books (11x)

Nederlandsch Jaarboekje voor Vrijmetselaren. 5852 [=1852], 5859 [=1859] both at Gebroeders Diederichs, Amsterdam; 5869 [=1869], 5873 [=1873], 5885 [=1885], 1904, 1910, 1912, 1914, 1915 and 5916 [=1916] all at 's-Gravenhaagsche Boek- en Handelsdrukkerij voorheen Gebr. Giunta d'Albani.

The dating system A.L. (Anno Lucis), following "the year of the true light", is still used for certificates and year books in the Blue degrees. The date adds 4000 years to the regular calendar, and the Dutch Masonic year begins on 1 March. (total 11)

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