
LOT 1852

[Dutch periodicals] Five socialist periodicals: (1) Morgenrood.

Zondagsblad voor de lezers van Recht voor Allen./ Zondagsblad gewijd aan Populaire Wetenschap, Kunst en Letteren. Year 1888/ 1889, no. 1-39 and year 1917 no. 1-52, The Hague/ Amsterdam, B. Liebers & Co. etc., 1888-'89/ 1917, 312/ 436 p., with illustrations, contemporary/ original half cloth, folio (library stamp/ labels).

(2) Correspondentieblad van het Nationaal Arbeids-Secretariaat in Nederland. 1st year no. 1-12 (year complete). Amsterdam, 1 October 1901 - 1 September 1902, 12 issues with consecutive pagination in one binding, 106 p., original gilt-lettered cloth, large 8vo. And with another 3 series of similar periodicals, incl. (3) Zondagsblad Het Volk (from 14 September 1902 to 20 December 1903 together in one contemporary half cloth binding) and (4) Maandblad Vrede, Orgaan van het Vredes Studie Bureau, 5th year no. 3 and 4 and year 10 and 11 complete (various places, 1932-1938, 24 volumes (incl. 2 double issues) loose as published in contemporary cardboard portfolio with ties, folio) (total 5 periodicals in as many bindings).

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