
LOT 2334
SOLD €110,00

[Grandmaster chess] Lasker and circle

Lasker's Manual of Chess. Emanuel Lasker. New York, E.P. Dutton & Company, [1927]. XXIV,384 pp., introduction to Index by H.R. Bigelow. First edition of this scarce Dutton publication. Not in LN + Dr. J. Hannak. Emanuel Lasker Biographie eines Schachweltmeisters. Mit einem Geleitwort von Prof. Albert Einstein. S. Engelhardt, Berlin, 1952. LN 3083 + several study books by Edward Lasker & Eduard Lasker + Dr. Tarrasch. Dreihundert Schachpartien, Tartakower. Het Schaakspel, Zeist, 1936. LN 1608 - and 2x Charousek: LN 3052 and 3053.

(total 14)

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