
LOT 2711
SOLD €220,00

[Provo] Cor Jaring (1936-2013). Nine photos: "Insektensekte" and "Deskundologie"

All 60 x 50 or 50 x 60 cm and mounted on wood, ca. 1970. The portrait of Theo Kley signed, dated 1973, titled "Requiem for a bicycle" and priced fl. 150 on verso of mount. Depicting a.o.: Fake operation by the members of the Insektensekte in a TV studio, a painted portrait of Cor Jaring on an easel and several of the Deskundologisch Laboratorium w. portraits of Theo Kley and other "Deskundologen".

Some photogr. w. marginal damage. The Insektensekte, founded in 1969 after an oil disaster in the Waddenzee, was one of the 1st Dutch environmental movements, and its members were all active in the alternative Amst. artistic circuit. The most important members were dentist and artist Max Reneman, musician Hub Mathijsen, artist Theo Kley, and 'house-photographer' Cor Jaring. In the 1970s Reneman and Kley collaborated w. ex-provo member Robert Jasper Grootveld, which resulted in Deskundologie: "dat wat iedereen met zijn klompen aan kan voelen, en dat niemand boven de pet gaat.” (total 9)

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