[Two works with special provenance] (1) Fausti Socini Senensis Opera Omnia
in Duos Tomos distincta (...). Irenopolis (city of freedom) [= Amsterdam], no publisher [= H. Boom and F. Kuyper and possibly D. Bakkamude], "Post annum Domini 1656" [= 1668], 2 volumes, (18),814,(1); (2),812,(10) p. and 16/ 10 letterpress intertitles excluded from paging, with engraved portrait and the serial title Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum cut out and pasted, contemporary uniform marbled calf, gilt back with morocco title shield including a stamp with a bird below a crown [see provenance below], also with the gilt stamp of the Signet Library on all boards, folio.
From comparison with online copies we know that the copy of Leo Polak (University of Amsterdam) lacks the portrait, serial title and at least the first intertitle; a trade copy also lacks the portrait and serial title; this copy does have the same number of intertitles as ours. Besides a few insignificant defects (e.g. hinges vulnerable) and some wear, a very good copy on LARGE PAPER, from the library of EDWARD HYDE, 1st Earl of Clarendon (1609-1674), with his gilt stamp on the spines. Edward Hyde was Lord Chancellor to King Charles II from 1658 to 1667 and chief minister from 1660. He is also the grandfather of Queen Mary II and Queen Anne. Thanks to his highly infuential work "History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England: Begun in the Year 1641" (1702-1704), he is known as one of the most important British historians. See very extensively on him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Hyde,_1st_Earl_of_Clarendon. In this edition, the collected works of Socinus form the most important two volumes from the series Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum, which also included works by Crellius [see below], Slichtingius and Wolzogen. Individual volumes are rare, complete sets of course very rare. The false address and antedating are not without reason: the series and individual volumes were banned. See for undoubtedly this copy the Catalogue of the Library of the Society of Writers to the Signet volume 4 (Edinburg, 1833), p. 13, the series was then still complete in 10 volumes and Edward Hyde is not listed as previous owner. We found the 2 volumes by Wolzogen from the Signet Library at an auction at Van Stockum: no. 1968, June 2007. See extensively on Sociniamism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socinianism.
With from the same series: (2) Johannis Crellii Franci. Opera omnia, exegetica, didactica et polemica. Magnam partem hactenus inedita (...). Eleutheropoli (city of peace), Sumptibus Irenaei Philalethii [volume 1]/ Irenopoli (city of freedom), Post annum Domini 1656 [= Amsterdam, H. Boom and F. Kuyper and possibly D. Bakkamude, ca. 1665-1668], 4 volumes, (24),615; (4),327,(51); (6),416,(8); (12),234,34,552,(44) p. and 17/ 8/ 3/ 7 letterpress intertitles excluded from paging, contemporary uniform marbled calf, uniform with the same provenance characteristics, folio (also on large paper and with the same small defects). Lacks the portrait, leaves ee1 and ee6 in volume 2 have a smaller size. Volume 4 (here and there waterstained and top hinge vulnerable) also contains: Ad librum Hugonis Grotii (...) responsio (234 p.) and Hugo de Groot, Defensio fidei catholicae (34 p.) (total of 2 works in 6 lovely, uniform volumes).