Redelykheid, C. De nieuw uitgevonden sluis met in- en uitschuivende deuren,
afgebeeld op zes koperen platen. The Hague/ Amsterdam, H.C. Gutteling/ Yntema and Tieboel, 1774, (2),VIII,26 p., with 6 folding, engraved plates by F. de Bakker after C. Redelykheid, contemporary cardboard, large folio.
Inside a very fair, complete copy, moreover on large paper; the front matter is misbound but complete, some water stains in the top corner and leaf G and endpapers loose. Worn/stained binding lacks all leather or vellum. Approved with the signature of Redelykheid on reverse of the title page. With impressive technical plates in large size. See for more information on Cornelis Redelykheid, the inventor of the lock with sliding doors: Bound with another smiliar work with plates by the same (incomplete) (total of 2 works in one volume).