[Entry of Maria de' Medici 1639] Jean Puget de la Serre
Histoire de l'entrée de la Reyne Mere du Roy tres-chrestien, dans les Provinces Unies des Pays Bas. London, J. Raworth for G. Thomason and O. Pullen, 1639, unpaginated, with engraved frontispiece, portrait and 11 (of 13) full-page plates and illustrations (incl. 1 large folding profile view of Den Bosch) by W. Hollar and others, contemporary speckled calf with abundantly gilt back with raised bands with morocco title shield, folio.
Lacks plates of Gorcum and of the Raadszaal; waterstained in bottom corner. Bound with the entry of Maria de' Medici in Great Britain published by the same the same year (lacks all plates). Convolute sold w.a.f. (total of 2 works in one volume).