[Literature] Lot with 3 works: (1) N.S. van Winter & L.W. van Merken. Tooneelpoëzy
Amsterdam, P. Meijer/ P.J. Uylenbroek, 1774-1786, 2 volumes, (4),549,(3); (4),458; (4),85,(1) p., with 6 engraved portraits by A. Houbraken and 15 (instead of 5) engraved plates by R. Vinkeles, contemporary uniform half calf, abundantly gilt back with morocco title shield, 4to.
Tops of spines damaged, outer corners and edges of boards slightly worn. Lovely copy with with wide margin, from the library of Jhr. Mr. Jeronimo de Bosch Kemper, with his letterpress ex libris on both front boards. This copy contains 10 plates more than it is supposed to have, with the remarkable fact that volume 1 - besides the 6 portraits - contains a double series of 5 prints. The final 86 pages of volume two are bound along as usual, but with separate title plate and title: Artemines. Treurspel (Amsterdam, J. Helders & A. Mars, 1786), with signature in pen for approval on the final page. See on Jeronimo de Bosch Kemper (1808-1876) (father of Jeltje de Bosch Kemper): https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeronimo_de_Bosch_Kemper.
With another 2 works in 5 later half cloth volumes: (2) De geestelyke Don Quichot of het zomer-reisje van Geoffroy Wildgoose door Smollet [= R. Graves] uit het Engelsch vertaald door E. Bekker, Wed. A. Wolff (The Hague, 1798-1799, 3 parts in one volume) and (3) Proeve van Taal en Dichtkunde; in vrijmoedige aanmerkingen op Vondels Vertaalde Herscheppingen van Ovidius voorgesteld door B. Huydecoper (Leiden, 1782-1791, 4 volumes) (total of 3 works in 7 volumes).