[World atlas in first edition] Abbé (J.B.L.) Clouet. Géographie Moderne
avec une introduction. Ouvrage utile a tous ceux qui veulent se perfectionner dans cette science, on y trouve jusqu'aux notions les plus simples (...). Paris, Mondhare, 1767, with engraved title page, dedication calligraphed in copper and engraved index, followed by 68 hand-coloured plates and maps, contemporary half leather with gilt back with raised bands, folio.
Good copy of the rare first edition, of which copies can be found only with remarkably great difficulty (for example no copies in PiCarta and few copies worldwide in libraries). Here and there soiled/thumbed, title also slightly duststained; in bottom margin here and there light water stains or (repaired) tears. Binding worn/ with repairs to spine. We were unable to discover what exactly is meant by "Introduction", there is no letterpress text in the atlas. Possibly a reference to the extensive text engraved besides all maps: "Chaque carte a sur les marges l'explication de ce qu'elle renferme, la méthode qu'on y suit a pour objet de developper les connaissances qui tiennent a l'histoire, ce qui rend cette Géographie tres interessante" (title).