Introductio in Accentuationem Hebraeorum Prosaicam.
Qua vera accentuum confecutio, periodorum ratio certa, analysis ad mentem Scriptorum Sacrorum accurata traditur. Philippo Ouseel. Leiden. S. Luchtmans. 1715. Small 4to, vellum, title in red and black with printer's mark, (20),394,(9) pp. and bound together with: Introductio in acc. Hebraeorum Metricam. Philippo Ouseel, Leiden, S. Luchtmans, 1714. (34),124,(4) pp. and: Cheiragogos ad Philippi Ouseel. Leiden. S. Luchtmans. 1721. 23 pp., complete with 2 folding tables and various tables in the text; various pp. at the end tender, water stains, else a fair copy of this scarce work in a shabby binding.
Combined with: Specimen Philologicum de Linguae Hebraeae. Pomoeriis. Ampliandis. quod ann. deo. opt. max. praeside Joanne Jacobo Schultens (...) publice tuebitur auctor Cornelius van Waenen. Leiden. Johannus le Mair. 1759. 4to, and bound together with several inaugurations and dissertations; shabby binding, else good. (total 2)