Lot with 2 photo albums, 12 separate photos and 24 glass slides
(1) "Bouw toren Poeloe Pandang". "1 t/m 8 april 1929." Album with 15 photos mounted with photo-corners on 6 p., all 8.5 x 14 cm., original cordbound limp cardboard with title in pen on front board, 32 x 39 cm. (several corners loose).
Lovely photo report on the construction of a small lighthouse on the island of Pulu Pandang; (2) Album with 63 pasted photos on 12 leaves, various sizes, with inscriptions in pen, ca. 1915-1916, contemporary cordbound wrapper, 22 x 31 cm. Incl. the following inscriptions: "Koopmans met hoofden en Atoni's"; "Hoofden van Tjamplong"; "Eerste auto te Tjamplong, Oct. 1915"; "De groote ingraving langs de Bokong-rivier"; "De Kaot. Dynamietontploffing"; "Timoreesche vrouwen"; "Kapan. Oude pasanggraham. Lt. de Vries gaat weg". With added 12 separate photos in various sizes (largest 29.5 x 45 cm.), first quarter 20th century, mostly related to Indonesia but also incl. 2 photos by Ying Cheong, Tientsin. And with added: "Serie 85 No. 1-24", series of 24 glass slides with views of Chinese places (total 2 albums, 12 separate photos and 24 slides).