[Lexica] Barnabae Brissonii Regii in Gallia consistorii quondam consiliarii et in supremo senatu Parisiensi praesidis
De Verborum quae ad ius civile pertinent significatione opus praestantissimum in meliorem commodioremque ordinem redactum (..) Iusti Henningii Boehmeri ic., Halae Magdeburgicae, Impensis Orphanotrophei, 1743
Sm. folio, vellum, title in hw on spine, casings with embroidery and coat of arms of Utrecht gilt-stamped, ill. frontispiece by Gruendler and Sysang, title in red and blackt, (6),XXXXVIII,1436 pp., small tear spine, binding ribbons missing, text heavily foxed, overall good. Barnabas Brissonius was a French jurist and politician. This was a seminal work w.r.t. Justinian legal terminology in the 17th and 18th cy; with a preface by J.H. Bohmer.