[Early photo-lithographical reproduction] Erasmi Roterodami.
Silva Carminum. Antehac nunquam impressorum. Gouda, 1513. Reproduction Photo-Lithographique, avec notice sur la jeunesse let les premiers travaux d'Erasme. M.Ch. Ruelens, Bruxelles, T.J.I. Arnold, 1864.
Half-leather, red and gilt-stamped title on spine, title page in red and black, (4),XLIV,(2) pp., newly bound with leftover materials, marbled endpapers, ill. with a coloured fragment of a map of Gouda and surroundings. This is a dedicated copy with the signatures of the author and the publisher; there is also text on the tissue papers. Published in a circulation of 100 copies + a number of dedicated copies. One of the first photographically reproduced books. Rare.