[Medicine] Iconografia d'Anatomia Chirurgica
E Di Medicina Operatoria. J.M. Bourgery (4 delen). Demetrio Serantoni, Firenze, 1841-1856.
Large folio, 4 bindings newly and uniformly bound, half-leather, gilt-stamped title on spine, I. text part, 312 pp., I. plate part, 91 numbered lithogr. plates, most in colour. II. text part, 344,55 pp., II. plate part, 77, A-P numbered lithogr. plates, most in colour and most folding. Monumental work by Bourgery in cooperation with Claude Bernard with over 200 coloured lithographs, 91, 77, A-P and several bis-numbers. 1 binding lightly damaged, var. small stains. Lithogr. in very good condition. (4 in total)