Ioannes de Beka Canonicus Ultrajectinus, et Wilhelmus Heda Praepositus Arnhemensis,
De Episcopus Ultraiectinis, recogniti et notis historicis illustrati ab Arn. Buchelio Batavo I.C. Accedunt Lamb. Hortensii Montfortii Secessionum Ultraiectinarum libri, et Siffridi Petri Frisii Appendix ad Historiam Ultrajectinam. Utrecht, ex officina Ioannis a Doorn, 1643, 3 parts in one vol., (18),191(= 173),(14); (4),331,(1),12,(32); (8),180,(24) p., with engr. title page, folding engr. map of the Netherlands and several small in-text woodcuts and engravings, simple contemporary cardboard binding, folio.
Engraved title page somewhat stained and with reinforced margins on the back, overall a very clean, uncut copy in a simple binding with minor defects. The part with the 12 numbered pages should have been bound after 191,(14) pages of the first part.
The second (Heda) and third (Hortensius) part mentioned on the engraved, general title, both have their own letter print title page with Utrecht address of Jan Everdsen van Doorn and year 1642.
In 1612, a first print of the combined edition of the so-called "Heda and Beka" appeared in Franeker, with annotations by Bernardus Furmerius. Our editions with annothations by Arnoldus Buchelius (1565-1641) is a corrected, extended edition with modernised Latin. Wonderful edition of the medieval chronicle of the northern Netherlands by Johannes de Beka (14th cy) with appendix by Suffridus Petri (1527-1597), and the history of the bishops of Utrecht by Wilhelmus Heda (ca. 1460-1525). Followed by the work of historian Lambertus Hortensius van Montfoort (1500-1574), the 1st edition of which appeared in 1546.