[Emblemata] Ezopische Fabelen van Fedrus,
Gevryden slaef des Keizers Augustus. In Nederduitsch dicht vertaelt en met aenmerkingen verykt door D. van Hoogstraten, Amsterdam, Francois Halma, 1704.
4to., leather, rubbed spine with gilt-stamped title, sides with embroidery and ornamental gilt-stamped decorations, marbled endpapers, expertly reinforced, frontispiece by J. Goeree and P. Boutats, title in red and black with vignette, (32),198,(12) pp., in front a folded and coloured portrait of David van Hoogstraten by A. Boonen, P. van Gunst and F. Halma, var. vignettes and incl. 104 in-text illustrations of the fables by J. van Vianen; in clear prints and on extra sturdy paper. Beautifully made copy with signs of use.