[Almanac] De Naauwkeurige Hollandsche Almanach voor 't jaar 1765.
Met fraaije Printverbeeldingen vercierd, en verrykt met alles wat tot een volmaakte Almanach behoord; mitsgaders veele nutte byzonderheden, nooit voor dezen gedrukt. Amsterdam, Adam Meyer, z.j. (1764), 175,(1) p., with engr. frontispiece, 12 engr. plates in almanac part (p. 1-16, printed in red and black) and 1 folding plate with 12 portraits, contemporary black imitation sharkskin with 4 silver clasps for stylus (missing), all page edges gilt, 16mo.
Cut somewhat short in places, but a good copy in an attractive binding. With old annotations on additionally bound blank leaves at beginning and end.
Adam Meyer first published an almanac with this title in 1759. The twelve plates in our edition show, among others, De Hoopende Minnaar, De Verliefde Clarisse, De Bloemist, De Verliefde Schilder, De Docter Voor de Liefde and d'Advocaat and are explained in poetry on p. 109 to 120. The text behind the almanac itself offers information on e.g. national shipping, post offices in Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht, the "Sabbath der Joodse Natie", journal of 'curious events' (July 1763 to June 1764, herring fishery) and descriptions of the Cape of Good Hope and Batavia.