[Second World War] Register vastgesteld door Burgemeester en Wethouders
der gemeente Amsterdam, ingevolge Art. 6 der Ventverordening, ten gebruike van Rijwielhandelaren, Uitdragers, Opkoopers en Tagrijnen (...) aan [manuscript:] "Reindert van Buuren (...)" te strekken tot onverwijlde aantekening van de daarin aangeduide gegevens betreffende de door hem gekochte, ingeruilde, als geschenk aangenomen of in pand, gebruik of bewaring genomen goederen. Gewaarmerkt te Amsterdam, den [manuscript:] "2en Februari 1944, Commandant 15de [politie-]Afdeeling [signed:] W.C. Rijpma.", 100 p., original cover, 4to.
The notebook has fallen apart and there are various kinds of damage; all information, however, is complete.
Interesting official sale register of Reindert van Buuren, who resided and operated his business at Oude Doelenstraat 16 in Amsterdam. Van Buuren was apparently required to write down every commercial transaction in this notebook, including information on the date officially in no less than 10 different sections (from 9 February 1944 to 10 April 1952, even the hours are listed), descriptions of the goods, sale price and name of the seller and date and purchase price of the sale by Van Buuren himself and the name of the buyer who bought it from him. Additionally, he had to assign serial numbers to the goods (art and antiques) in order of acquisition. Each page is provided with the police stamp of department 15. On page 100 a note in pen can be found: "Op 18 April 52 voor inkoop buiten gebruik gesteld adj. v. Politie [signature].
With: two very intriguing lined pocket code books with alphabetical thumb index: the first with 3x written at the front "Augustus 1944" and with numerous deleted names (and sometimes addresses) of persons related to the book trade (printers, publishers, bookstores, papermakers etc.), mostly with indication "D.B.R."; the second with over 1000 names crudely organised by first letter, then finely organised by consecutive code numbers consisting of 4 numbers and one letter (as under H the name and code "G. Halbesma 3995 K"). (total 3)