[Edme Mentelle] Le porte-feuille du R.F. Gillet, Ci devant soi-disant Jésuite;
Ou Petit Dictionnaire, dans lequel on n'a mis que des choses essentielles, pour servir de Supplément aux gros Dictionnaires, qui renferment tant d'inutilités. Madrid [= Paris], n.n., 1767, 116 p., finely bound in 19th century gilt morocco, gilt edges, small 8vo.
The half title is missing, else a very good copy with a few minimal defects. Several digitised copies can be found online, one of which contains an approbation (4 pp.), but this is from another book.
The first edition of this curious work written by Edme Mentelle (1730-1815); a second edition appeared in 1769). It is a rare work; the only other copy of the work in the Netherlands remains in the UB Amsterdam. See for more information on the author, mostly known as prominent geographer at the time of the French revolution: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edme_Mentelle.
In a way it is a kind of A-B. book, in which the author criticises in a humourous fashion a variety of social elements and individuals by means of alphabetically ordered terms. For example, the L under Libraires declares: "Marchands de Livres, instruits et désinteressés. On vante leur zèle pour le public, auquel ils n'offrent pas d'Ouvrages sans être persuadés de son utilité (...)."