[Atelier De Distelkamp/Arethusa Pers] J.W.F. Werumeus Buning. Maria Lecina
Een lied in honderd verzen met een zagwijs. Dodewaard/Baarn, Atelier de Distelkamp/Arethusa Pers, 1998, printed in 76 numbered copies (30), (44) p., with original colour litho by Adolf Born, original cloth, folio.
Atelier De Distelkamp publication 4, Arethusa Pers publication 123. This copy (numbered 35) is one of 50 copies for De Distelkamp, one of 30 bound in cloth and one of 35 copies with a separate additional print of the image. However, in our copy 3 (instead of 1) signed and numbered extra prints (circulation 200) are added, as well as 2 printed sheets with the song's sheet music.