[Jurisdiction] Tribunalen in Nederland en andere na-oorlogse rechtspraak. Vol. 1-5
ed. Mr. G.C.M. van Nijnatten and Mr. H.J.J. van der Brug. Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink, 1945-1950, 5 vols. bound in 6, contemporary cloth or half cloth, 3x with parts of the original cover pasted, 4to.
Ex-library copy with resulting defects, sold w.a.f. In 1957 a register appeared (not present): Register op de jurisprudentie van de Afdeling Rechtspraak van de Raad voor het Rechtsherstel. The fifth volume has a short title: Na-Oorlogse Rechtspraak, but is still marked regarded the 5th volume.
With 1 other (duplicate of the 3rd volume).