De Veste, Oisterwijk, 1946. 521 pp. Sewn. Added: Lijst van personen, bedoeld in circulaire No P 36m/40, 17 January 1941, concerning passport matters.
Het eigenlijke geheim van de strafzaak Oss (...). [Door W. Wassink]. Private press, Olst, 1946, 32 p., original cover.
By Jan Vincx and Victor Schotanus. Herenthals, Etnika, 1988-1991, 4 vols., illustrations, original uniform cloth with dust jacket, 4to (very good set).
Deel I. het Vlaams legioen. Deel 2. "Langemarck". Vrij bewerkt naar een verzameling ruw materiaal van A. van Arendonck. Antwerpen, Etnika, 1973-1975, 2 vols., 245; 277 p., plates,...
Jan Vincx. Antwerpen, Etnika, 1980-1984, first ed., 7 vols., richly illustrated, original uniform cloth with dust jacket, 4to (sm. defects on some dust jackets).
By Jill Halcomb and Wilhelm P.B.R. Saris. San Jose, R. James Bender, 1989-1998, first edition, 3 vols., 350; 336; 592 p., richly illustrated, original uniform printed cardboard,...
Amsterdam, P. Starreveld, 1940, printed in 100 numbered copies signed by the author and illuminator (this is no. 52), (30) p., with 12 full-page linocuts by P. Starreveld, original cloth, folio.
Original photo, 23 x 16.5 cm., with title and directions in pencil and copyright stamp "Anefo" (Algemeen Nederlandsch Fotobureau) and numbered "HL 4832" on reverse.
"Strafgymnastiek op de binnenplaats." "Achter de secure prikkeldraadomheining, vindt het strafexerceeren plaats." Two photos, both ca. 18.5 x 24 cm. and on reverse with copright...
Original photo, 24.5 x 18.2 cm., reverse with copyright stamp "Anefo" (Algemeen nederlandsch Fotobureau) and numbered "HL 3388" and typoscript strip with extensive clarification and dated "Juni 1945".
Dresden, Cigaretten-Bilderdienst, 1936, (58) p., with 1 colour plate on which flags and insignia and with all (270) pasted colour pictures, original illustrated and gilt cover,...
"14 september 1884 - 14 september 1942. Aangeboden ter gelegenheid van den verjaardag van den Commandant der Nederl: Arb: Dienst generaalarbeidsleider L.A.C. de Bock." Photo album...
"Wir kommen all' und gratulieren! Deine "Waldesruhler". Zur Heidehof am 30.11.39." Commemorative album with inserted title card and 156 photos of various sizes pasted with corners...
Photo album of the "Abteilung 8/182" with 49 pasted photos and 13 with later photocorners inserted (partly modern) photos on 20 leaves, in original cord-bound cloth album with...
with ca. 130 mostly modern photos of photos in various sizes, pasted with modern photocorners in an old faux leather cord-bound "Amtörtalbum", 25 x 33.5 cm.
Lot with 101 different issues from no. 4, 1943 to 10 May 1945 (final issue) of De Vliegende Hollander daily which was distributed by the Air Force. All well-preserved + Nachrichten...
Hitler cartoon. "Hitler de leider, de profeet, de moordenaar v.h. Germaanse ras". 43 x 14.5 cm. Folded. Ca. 1937 + Wanneer komen onze bevrijders? One-sided pamphlet. Publication...
Dat nooit weer. Nieuwsbulletin Rotterdamse Actiegroep tegen de Duitse herbewapening en het herlevend fascisme. No. 1, 1953 to no. 30, 1960 (lacks nos. 6 and 8) + De Zwerver. Weekblad...
KVV, Amsterdam, 1939/40. 62 x 42 cm. Folded + Zuivering. "Voor de politieke zuivering van het personeel der (..)genoemde Rijks- en Gemeente-instellingen voor het administratieve...
Naomi Jacob's Private Gollantz. Hutchinson's Pocket Library, services edition. For circulation to the fighting forces of the allied nations - and another 3 from Hutchinson's Pocket...
Die Soldaten des Führers im Felde II band. Publication Oberstleutnant des Generalstabes Hasso von Wedel un Reichshauptsellenleiter Henrich Hansen. Raumbild-Verlag Otto Schönstein,...
De Oostfrontroman in de Vlaamse literatuur. Pieter Jan Verstraete, Kortrijk, 1994. 79. No. 387/500 + Noodzakelijk kwaad. De bestraffing van economische collaboratie in Nederland...
No place, publisher or date (1948), (16) p., incl. original cover, with 29 photographic illustrations, oblong 8vo.
all Den Dolder, Uitgeversbureel "Op Korte Golf", 1938-1946, all in original cover (several with sm. defects, all spine staples have been removed).
Berlin, Arbeitsdank-Verlag, n.d. (1936), (16) p., pre-printed album with 30 photos inserted with (modern?) photocorners, several dedications in pen at the beginning and 17 original...
Reichsarbeitsdienst Arbeitsgau XXIV Mittelrhein. Koblenz, P. Straub, n.d. (1935), (4),89,(2) p., printed on one side only in mostly red, black and blue on thick paper, with b/w...
Maandblad van en voor het kader van den Nederlandschen Arbeidsdienst. Ed. J.D. de Ruyter en A. Hensen. No. 1, and 3-32. Scheveningen, Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst, 1942-1944, 29...
Gewijd aan het kultureele leven in Nederland. Hoofdredactie T. Goedewaagen. First volume no. 1, 10-13, 15, 17-19, 21 and 22. Den Haag, Uitgeverij De Schouw, 1942, 11 volumes from...
Schriftenreihe des Verbandes deutscher Sippenforscher in den Niederlanden. Schriftführerin Frau Edler. No. 1-4 [= all]. Soest, "Zonneveld", n.d. (1941-1943), 32;42;24;24 p., with...
National Socialist Motor Corps. E.D.S./G/3 compiled by MIRS (London Branch) From Material Available at Washington and London. Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, n.d....
benevens hetgeen daaraan voorafging en daarop volgde, medegedeeld door den Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Zijne Excellentie Mr. E.N. van Kleffens. Ergens in Nederland, De Vrije...
Stenciled typoscript, n.d. (foreword dated Herfst 1946), main text: IV,201[=?] p., appendices I-V: 5;4;5;15;9 p., contemporary ring binding, folio.
Typoscript with here and there corrections in pen, ca. 1946, consisting of title page, leaf with table of contents (32 chapters) and 341 [= 337] numbered leaves, with manuscript...
Sinclair Lewis. The Albatross Verlag, Hamburg, 1934, 3rd impression. Copy G.F. de Bruijn Kops, Barak 2, 32435, fifth camp (=Tjimahi?)., Izdal Glavni Stab nov in po Slovenije, 1944, title page and 13 linocuts, original cover with linocut illustration, 4to.
Typoscript stenciled note, 21.5 x 13.5 cm., with letterhead of the Joodsche Raad voor Amsterdam, dated 1 May '42, with signature of council chairman A. Asscher (?)., n.d. (ca. 1945), rotaprint printed on laid paper in 50 numbered copies for friends and acquaintances by Van Baak, Wageningen, 12 leaves, 1 illustration by Elsa Valeton,...
des Befehlhabers der Sicherheitspolizei i.d. SD für die niederländische Gebiete. Nur für Dienstgebrauch! (Nach Dienstschluss einschliessen). Stand vom 1.10.43." Typoscript telephone...
from the war years but also from shortly after the war.
June-October 1945, 125 p., A4 size.
all 13 x 18 cm. and with a stamp of the photographer Tschirch on reverse (unidentified series)., publisher and year (December 1943), 45 one-sided leaves, with illustrations (incl. portraits and caricatures) by "A.V." (Anke Vuerhard) and Wim K. (Wim Kroes), original...
Hoofdafdeeling: Organisatie en personeel. 5 photos of statistical charts, all with stamped address on reverse "Fotodienst der N.S.B. Maliebaan 29 Utrecht", stapled in cover with...
mostly '30s and war years, all except one in original cover, various sizes.
Original access pass of Mussert's wife, 11 x 14 cm. (unfolded), with on inside a passport photo, 3 stamps incl. "Geldig voor 1943", typed name of the pass pass holder and signature...
voor het venster, waar hij straks achter zal zitten". Portrait photo, May 1945, 14.5 x 14 cm., with typoscript strip with description and copyright stamp of ANEFO (Algemeen Nederlandsch...
aan de IJmuider Straatweg." Original photo of Mussert in the middle of a group of boys dressed in black, 23.8 x 17.5 cm., with text in pen on reverse.
mostly photographic, several with coloured propaganda designs, mostly unused (partly with traces of holder on reverse).
"Boeken, brochures, foto's, kenteekens, vlaggen enz. uit voorraad van den Dienst materiaal van Afdeeling III Propaganda van het Hoofdkwartier der Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging...
Typoscript, no place or date (war years), 83 p. (lacks stapled in top left-hand corner, here and there foxed or waterstained).
consisting of annoucements, invitations and admission tickets to public and closed meetings and Hagespraken, announcements and other items concerning Volk en Vaderland, contribution...
No place, Het Hummende Hart, 19 April 1944, printed in red and black in 75 numbered copies (72), (16) p., with pasted photo and 1 illustration, original cover.
all from the war years, mostly with (German) stamps and signatures, partly with photo of the holder (e.g. [2]-[8], see below), partly concerning the ban on the confiscation of...
(29. Oktober – 1. November 1914). Geschildert von dem Mitkämpfer Hans Konrad, München. Stenciled report, title page and 38 numbered one-sided leaves, original blue cloth with title...
No place, H. Hoffmann Reichsbildberichterstatter der N.S.D.A.P., n.d. (ca. 1935), (4) text p. and 7 colour reproductions affixed to cardboard, loose as published in original portfolio, 31 x 22.5 cm.
consisting of 7 different portraits of Hitler, a card with Hitler and Göring, and portraits of Goebbels, Göring and Horst Wessel.
Miniature flipbook, Lippstadt, Wahlert & Sohn, n.d. [address difficult to read], 29 (of 30?) consecutive photos. stapled original cover, 3.7 x 6 cm.
Two original press photos, both 18 x 24 cm., both with many stamps/labels and notes on reverse.
16 augustus te Amersfoort Landdag voor de vrede en voor erkenning van de Sowjet-Unie. no place, publisher or year (1936), (16) p., original photomontage cover by Karl Vanek [= Hermann Leupold], 4to.
ed. Mr. G.C.M. van Nijnatten and Mr. H.J.J. van der Brug. Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink, 1945-1950, 5 vols. bound in 6, contemporary cloth or half cloth, 3x with parts of the original cover pasted, 4to.
No place or publisher, December 1943, 19 p., with separate photo on which 12 passport photos for as many descriptions, original cover (lacks staples).
Typoscript bibliography, no date, title page and XVIII leaves with 215 brochures published between 1923 and 1941, oblong 8vo size (14 x 21.5 cm.).