[Phone book SP and SD] "Afschrift. Fernsprechverzeichnis
des Befehlhabers der Sicherheitspolizei i.d. SD für die niederländische Gebiete. Nur für Dienstgebrauch! (Nach Dienstschluss einschliessen). Stand vom 1.10.43." Typoscript telephone book, 1943, 8, (26) l., A4-size, with traces of staples in top left-hand corner.
Page 2 missing or omitted in numbering. Here and there with (contemporary?) underlinings and notes in pen.
Extremely intriguing telephone book for internal use by the Sicherheitspolizei and the Sicherheitsdienst. An incredibly mundane item of an organisation that was anything but mundane, ruthlessly recording the structure and the persons within that organisation. The numbered leaves present an overview of the locations with addresses and phone numbers of the services, such as the "Aussendienststellen des Befehlshabers" (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Arnhem, 's Hertogenbosch, Maastricht and Groningen), an alphabetical list of the 10 "Polizeiposten" (from Assen to Zierikzee) and of unnamed (!) locations at Amersfoort, Haaren, St. Michielsgestel, Westerbork and "Kl. Hertogenbosch". Moreover a list of the "Zentrale ein- u. Ausreisstelle" and a list of the personal names, room numbers and telephone numbers of the "Befehlshaber" incl. Naumann, Arlt, Knolle and Deppner.
The second part of the phone list consists of ca. 500 alphabetically ordered personal names (from Abelman to Zoepf, usually 1 and sometimes multiple leaves per first letter), with indication of "Dienstgrad", "Referat", "Zimmer Nr.", "Nebenstelle" and "Wohnungsanschl."