[Magazines] Ewiges Volk
Schriftenreihe des Verbandes deutscher Sippenforscher in den Niederlanden. Schriftführerin Frau Edler. No. 1-4 [= all]. Soest, "Zonneveld", n.d. (1941-1943), 32;42;24;24 p., with illustrations, original uniform cover, 4to (staples removed, rare complete set).
With: Der Norden. Monatsschrift der nordischen Geseelschaft. 18th-21st volume (incomplete). Berlin, W. Limpert, 1941-1944, 21 vols. of the series, with illustrations, original uniform cover (staples removed and other small defects).
Contains: 18th volume no. 2, 4, 8, 11 and 12; 19th volume no. 7-10 and 12; 20th volume no. 1-5 ; 21st volume no. 2-7.