["Ausweis bitte!"] Lot with ca. 150 original documents,
all from the war years, mostly with (German) stamps and signatures, partly with photo of the holder (e.g. [2]-[8], see below), partly concerning the ban on the confiscation of bicycles, partly unused, various shapes and sizes.
Large collection of special documents. The most spectacular items:
[1] "Strassen Erlaubnis". Printed, stamped cloth armband, interior [former exterior] with printed "Deutsche Schutzgruppe" crossed out with red chalk with another unused cloth copy; [2] Proof of Dutch nationality of Andreas Dautzenberg (issued at Bocholtz, April 1943); [3] Kleiner Grenzverkehr zwischen dem Auslande un Deutschland, passport of Gerhard Dautzenberg (July 1943, son of the former?); [4] Soldbuch zugleich Personalausweis Kriegsmarine van Bernhard Westermeyer (Aug. 1941); [5] Passport of the Koningkrijk der Nederlanden of electrician Gerrit A. Timmerman (July 1943); [6] Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer of Jantien Brouwer (after May 1943); [7] Vorläufiger Fremdenpass of Johannes Wiekenkamp (May 1944) and the one of Johannes Hilster (Febr. 1945); [8] Politie-Ausweis of Dirk van Veen (July 1944); [9] unpersonified Wehrmacht-Ausweis für Niederländer ("Der Inhaber dieses Ausweises benötigt sein Fahrrad (...) Von einer Beschlagname des Fahrrades is dahet absusehen"); [10] unused Ausweis and a paper wage bag from Aannemersbedrijf E.F. van den Bosch; [11] items concerning identification cards: "Omhulsel voor het persoonsbewijs", "aanwijzing voor de bevolking" and mandatory storage envelope; [12] unused (therefore still usable!) signed and stamped "Bescheinigung": "Das Fahrrad...... darf nicht Beschlagnahmt werden"; [13] Departement van Waterstaat Rijksverkeersinspectie. Herkenningsteken vergunning D; [14] uncut sheet of control stamps.