[Book of hours. Penitential psalms] "Les VII psalmes pentitenarit"
Manuscript in pen and red ink (French text) and brown ink (Latin text) on vellum, France, 2nd half 15th century, 84 leaves, with 3 leaves decorated with large initial in red and blue and pen writing in the margin, another large initial and many small initials in red and blue, modern vellum binding in old style (vellum endpapers of antiphonary leaf), 10.7 x 8.5 cm.
With several erased library stamps, one leaf trifle damaged in blank margin and an old owner's name "Rollet" on verso leaf 61.
Charming manuscript, of which the titles and subtitles are noteworthy for the use of red ink and the French language.
Structure: after the penitential psalms, the Litany of the Saints begins on verso leaf 14. On leaf 32 (with large initial on verso) the following title: "Nostre tres saint pere sixtus le quart a copose le quatrisme & chincquisme suffra de lorison (...) qui la vient la quelle come est XLVI mille ans et XII ans & XL jos." This is no date but an indication of the number of years of "forgiveness" one could earn (Pope Sixtus IV, 1414-1484). On leaf 41 (with pen writing) the following title: "Chi comenchent les vigiles des mors ä". The last part of the main part (with pen writing) begins on leaf 77: "Le pape Jehan XIIe a copose ceste orison (...)."