[Antiphonary] Manuscript antiphonary in red and brown ink,
234 numbered pages, text in French (up to p. 20) and Latin (p. 21-48), else annotated music and Latin text of the actual antiphonary, France or Belgium, 18th century, bound in 19th-century decorated vellum, 8vo size.
At the beginning the leaf with page numbers 1-2 is lacking; the first leaf present has a small hole, the other leaves mostly heavily soiled and stained and partly with rounded corners. For the rebinding many page numbers and sometimes also the text of the top margin have been partly cut and text on the last text page is very vague. A heavily used pocket antiphonary, with on the 19th-century endpaper an unidentified manuscript ex libris in pen.
The manuscript begins with a Sonnet, followed by the French text of the Liturgy of the Hours (matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext and none), this followed by the "Oraison Universelle" and the "Oraison à la Sainte Vierge". Then follows a Latin text, of which we list several subtitles here: (1) Instructio Matutina. Surge Velociter; (3) Postquam vestitus die flexis genibus; (4) Cortuum offer coelesti patri; (7) Opus dispone futurum. Ut ante. Subsidiumque pete ab omnibus sanctis dei; (11) Commendatio sui ad beatam virginem; (12) Oratio qua Beata virgo in patronam eligitur; (14) Oratio S. Joseph in patronum eligitur; (17) Himnus sanctorum Ambrosii et Augustini; (18) Himnus sancti Thomae Aquinatis; (20) Preces vespertine; (21) Pete lumen; (23) Delicti veniam posce; (25) Oratio ad sanctissimam trinitatem pro felici morte impetranda; (26) Commentatio ad deum B. Virginem et sanctos; (29) Delitio Benedictionis; (30) Lectum ingrediens; (33) Oratio ad B. Virginem a maximis peccato ribus dicenda; (34) Oratio jaculatoria contra impura; (35) Oratio S. Mariae Agiptiacae ad B. Virginem contra impurasten.
The actual antiphonary has chapters such as "Dominca prima [to quarta] adventus ad vesperas" and "Dominica secunda post Epiph. ad vesperas" to "Dominica vigesima tertia post pente ad magnificat", in addition to the various festivities of the apostles, Mary, Michaél etc.