Wendingen. Maandblad voor bouwen en sieren van Architectura et Amicitia. Volume 1
Amsterdam, De Hooghe Brug, January 1918 - December 1918, 11 issues (final issue double), richly illustrated (in first issue with pasted plates), original cover, bound as block book with raffia, large 4to size.
Rare complete volume (the November issue was not published), in general in good condition, the covers here and there frayed as usual; cover no. 1 partly whitened and slightly stained. With inserted Technisch Gedeelte in no. 1 (sm. piece cut out), 3, 6, 7, 9 10 and 12. Cover designs by J.L.M. Lauweriks, M. de Klerk, H. Krop, C.J. Blaauw, R.N. Roland Holst, H.A. van Anrooy, E.J. Kuipers, C.A. Lion Cachet, J. Sluijters, S. Jessurun de Mesquita and W. van Konijnenburg.