[Botany] Nieuwe en ongehoorde Dog in de Natuur welgegronde queek-konst
van boomen, heesters en bloemgewassen, ofte derselver algemeene vermeerdering. Behelsende hoedanig men allerley Boomen, door in stukken gesnedene wortels, stammen, takken, ja selfs door bladeren (...) kan aanqueeken en vermenigvuldigen. Door George Andreas Agricola (...) uyt 't Hoogduyts Vertaalt door J. le Long. Met Curieuse kopere Plaaten verciert en opgeheldert. Amsterdam, P. de Coup, 1719, two volumes in one binding, (12),208; (8),92,(10) p., both volumes with engraved frontispiece, with 34 (large) folding, engraved plates (of which 31 numbered), each with extensive, letterpress description, 19th-century gilt half leather, small 4to.
Plate 5 slightly creased and with other sm. defects due to careless folding; spine ends damaged/with small tears.
The scarce first Dutch edition. The first German edition appeared in 1716-1717 in Regensburg, titled "Neu- und nie erhörter doch in der Natur und Vernunfft wohlgegründeter Versuch der Universal-Vermehrung aller Bäume, Stauden, und Blumen-Gewächse". For a long time the book remained the most important reference work in this field. On the author Georg Andreas Agricola (1672-1738), see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Andreas_Agricola.