[Botany and pharmacopoeias] Code des Médicamens, ou Pharmacopée Française,
publiée (...) par la Faculté de Médecine de Paris, l'an 1818. Traduite du Latin en Français par MM. Pavet et la Roche, Docteurs en Médecine, revue et corrigée par MM. Hallé, Leroux, Henry et Richard (...). Paris, Hacquart, 1819, (8),CXCVI,373,(4 advert.) p., contemporary vellum using a French manuscript leaf, 4to.
Wormholes in blank lower corner in the first few quires and some other small defects, else a good copy with old owner's name "Loynel Ph[armacien]" and "Loynel" on the free endpapers at beginning and end. With approval in pen by publisher Hacquart on reverse of the title. The advertisement pages bound along consist of a price list of pharmaceutical/scientific glass, porcelain and earthenware products by producer Acloque, with 41 small images.