[Suriname] Beschryving van Guiana, of de Wilde Kust in Zuid-America,
betreffende de Aardrykskunde en Historie des Lands, de Zeeden en Gewoontes der Inwooners, De Dieren, Vogels, Visschen, Boomen en Gewassen, alsmede de eerste Ontdekking dier Kust, de Bezittingen der Spanjaarden, Franschen en Portugeezen en voornamelyk de Volkplantingen der Nederlanderen, als Essequebo, Demerary, Berbice, Suriname en derzelver Rivieren (...). Waarby komt eene Verhandeling over den Aart en de Gewoontes der Neger-Slaaven. Alles uit echte Stukken opgesteld door Mr. Jan Jacob Hartsinck. Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, 1770, 2 volumes, XII,(4),520; (2),521-962,(15) p., with 5 folding engraved maps, 3 engraved plans (1 folding), 5 engraved views on 4 plates (2 folding) and another 2 plates, 1 engraving in the text, contemporary half calf with gilt back.
Both volumes with damp-affected margin throughout the entire bookblock (volume 1 top margin, volume 2 outer margin) and bindings with small defects; paging volume 2 omits 737-738 as always. Despite the dampstaining a fair, entirely complete copy.
The first edition of one of the best decriptions of the three Guyanas, a classic in this field. Hartsinck (1716-1779) was director of the Dutch West India Company and thus had access to all important sources.