[Militaria. Very richly illustrated] (Flaue Vegece Rene du fait de guerre
et fleur de cheualerie, quatre liures). (Paris, C. Wechel, 1536), (8),CCCXX,(2) p., with 120 full-page woodcuts, 2 smaller woodcuts and multiple letterpress illustrations, contemporary blindstamped leather, folio.
Lacks three leaves: the title page, the final page of the preface [with 2 illustrations repeated on the final page present here] and the penultimate page (a digitised copy online lacks all pages after p. 312); p. I-II with new outer margin, here and there worm damage and (water) stains. In the 19th century the preface and final page have been entirely covered in written comments (even partly in two directions). The bookblock numbered I-CCCXX is complete and besides the aforementioned defects in good condition. The binding is heavily weathered and has old restorations. On the endpapers several nice contemporary and slightly later annotations in pen can be found, e.g. "Seigneur de Geurean" to the finder of the book and the aphorisms "Quisquis amat dictis absentum hanc mensam vetitam noverit esse sibi" (Augustinus) and "Stet domus haec donec fluctus formica marinos ebibat e totum testudo perambulet orbem".
Rare, richly ilustrated treatise on warfare in the first French translation, in which even diving necessities are depicted. On the author Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus (4th century) and his treatise, influential even throughout the Middle Ages, see: https://tinyurl.com/k2uhb5q.