[Botany] Flore médicale, décrite par F.P. Chaumeton.
Paris, C.L.F. Pancoucke, 1814-1820, 8 volumes, with 423 stipple-engraved plates PRINTED IN COLOUR finished with handcolouring (incl. 20 bis-numbers) with the accompanying letterpress text, 2 uncoloured plates (1x large folding), 20th-century uniform half cloth.
Here and there browned, from volume 5 onward affected by damp (increasingly towards the end); here and there misbound (e.g. last two volumes changed), some plates incorrectly numbered but bound in the right place. Sold with all faults. First edition of this beautifully illustrated flora, with all 425 plates and as such very rare. The listed illustrators, Pierre- Jean- François Turpin (1775-1840) and E. Panckoucke (the publisher's wife) were students of P.-J. Redouté.