[Middelburg] Naamlijst der geborene, gehuwden en overledene personen,
aangegeven bij den Burgelijken Stand der stad Middelburg, gedurende het jaar 1853/ 1854/ 1856/ 1858 en 1859. Middelburg, Wed. C. Jongkindt & Zoon/ A.J. Jongkindt, 1854-1860, 59 (of 60) parts each with its own (monthly) title page and paging in 5 volumes, each part with a folding letterpress table with the data of the previous year, contemporary uniform cardboard.
Lacks the part December 1854; paper on spines torn, 1859 renacked with cloth, several boards with library stamps. Rare, specific publications, each title page with two stamps: "Te zegelen" and two-guilder stamp.