[Book covers] Lot with 6 works: (1) Paul Morand. Zavreno celou noc!
Prague, Aventinum, 1925. 115 pp.; (2) Paul Morand. Otevreno po celou noc! 1925, 101 pp.; (3) Camille Lemonnier. Claudina Lamourová. 1925, 186 pp.; (4) Camille Lemonnier. Jak potucek plyne. 1925, 86 pp.; (5) Camille Lemonnier. Ve svezim srdci lesa. 1925, 145 pp.; (6) Camille Lemonnier. Moloch. 1925, 252 pp.
All published by Aventinum in Prague, in beautiful wrapper and in good condition (total 6).