[Almanacs] Lot with 4 mini Staats-almanaks, 18th century
1. De nuttelyke en aangenaame Staats-Almanach voor het schrikkeljaar 1768 vervattende een beknopt denkbeeld der voornaamste Staaten van Europa. Amsterdam. T. Crajenschot. 1768. Ca. 10 x 6 cm., sewn cased wrapper with coloured paper, engraved frontispiece and 16 copper engravings, of which several folding, without the two maps referred to in the title. 2. Idem. 1869, ca. 9 x 6 cm., cased wrapper, engraved frontispiece, 12 copper engravings and 2 maps with coloured outlines of Utrecht and of Vriesland, folding. 3. Idem. 1770, ca. 9.5 x 6 cm., leather binding with gilt stamping, engraved frontispiece, 11 copper engravings and one map with coloured outlines of Drenthe, folding. 4. Idem. 1787, ca. 10 x 6 cm., paper binding with coloured paper wrapper, engraved frontispiece, 8 double-page/ folding copper engravings and a map with coloured outlines of Bavaria, folding. Charming collection, in good condition.
(total 4)