[French periodicals] 2 anarchist series with additions: (1) La revue anarchiste.
No. 1-3, 5, 6, 8-11,13-17, 20-24, 27 and 28. Paris, January 1922 - June 1924, 21 issues, original (uniform) stapled wrapper, 4to (good set with minor defects, middle folds due to shipping).
Two types of wrappers: numbers 1-3 uniform and the remainder uniform. Relatively large and early series (1st-3rd year) of this rare periodical; (2) Tribune anarchiste communiste (TAC). Bulletin des anarchistes-communistes. No. 11 and 13-28. Paris, 1974-1979, 17 issues in 16 volumes, original (uniform) stapled wrapper, various sizes. And with another 10 issues of various similar periodicals (total 47).