[Spanish civil war/ Spanish-language] Lot with 26,
incl. (1) Spain. By Emile Burns. Third, revised edition. London, Communist Party of Great Britain, 1936, 16 p., incl. stapled original wrapper with photomontage (minimal defects).
(2) Spanisches Bilderbuch von Anna Siemsen. Paris, ENI, 1937, 88 p., 24 photographic illustrations on 12 plates and 2 on original wrapper; (3) Tschapaiew. Das Bataillon der 21 Nationen. Dargestellt in Aufzeichnungen seiner Mitkämpfer. Redigiert von Alfred Kantorowicz. Rudolstadt, Greifenverlag, (1948), 218,(1) p., illustrations, original wrapper (library stamps, wrapper with tears/ damage). And with 23 more, incl. 8 issues of the anarchist periodical La Protesta. Suplemento quincenal (Buenos Aires, 1927-1929).