Adrianus van der Aa (1788-1855). ± 50 drawings with church interior designs,
Various media, types of paper and sizes (incl. larger sizes, largest leaf is 84 x 49 cm), multiple signed with "Adr. van der Aa" with pen.
Oosterhout-born Adrianus van der Aa was a carpenter, joiner and architect, considering the present collection mostly or even exclusively for churches. Various descriptions online show that van der Aa's designs were executed, and for a very comfortable fee. His designs include the one for the Waterstaatskerk at Begijnhof in Breda (1836). This collection shows designs for pulpits, altars, church benches, organ chests, ornaments, frames, paneling, architectural curbs, floor plans, etc., incl. inscriptions such as: "Plans van Preekstoelen"; "Afmeting van den kerk te Sprundel"; "Lijst kroonement klijn altaar te Rijen"; "Plan der biegtstoel voor de Zegge"; "Plan voor den Preekstoel te Oosterwijk" and "Plan Preekstoel Steenbergen".