Lanterne Magique of Toverlantaern, O soo mooi! Fraai Curieus!
Vertoonende zeer duidelyk de wonderlyke zaaken, die in deezen wonderlyken tyd voorvallen. In twintig vertoningen [attributed to Kees/ Kornelis Vermijnen]. Various places and publishers (not listed on the title pages but at the end of each number), 1782 (= September 1782 to June 1783), 20 parts with separate title pages in one volume with consecutive paging, (4),320 p., with engraved frontispiece, contemporary marbled cardboard.
Fifteenth "vertoning" loose; with (scratched) library stamp on frontispiece and title page; here and there slightly stained, spine worn. Good, untrimmed copy. PiCarta lists a 21st number (June 1784?) but this is actually a separate Patriot pamphlet taunting Kees Vermijnen! This is also the case with Nouveau Lanterne Magique, this too is a Patriot response to our series. According to the general title page, our volume is complete and as such rare. See: Buynsters (Satirische tijdschr.) 29. Satirical Orangist magazine belonging to the "lantaarnstrijd", of which the subtitles vary with each number. With gibberish texts, with the intent to discredit the Patriots in rude and abusive texts.