[Songbooks] Het speel-schuytje met vrolyke naay-meisjes
Waer in te vinden zyn de Aldernieuwste Liederen, die Heedendaegs Gezongen Worden. De Zeevende Druk. Amsterdam, B. Koene, 1780, 93,(3) p., with woodcut title illustration, modern gilt-lettered half morocco.
Waterstained, title and last few leaves with light damage (with repairs), leaf F2 misbound after F6. Nevertheless still an acceptable, well-restored and tastefully rebound copy, with small ex libris of "A. CH" on inside front board. Lovely and very rare chapbook, of which the first edition appeared in 1733. PiCarta also lists the third edition from 1751 and the undated eighth edition, our edition does not appear. The suggestive title does justice to the erotic content, e.g. on p. 21-22 a "Zamenspraak, tusschen een jager en een meisje van plyzier" and on p. 38-40 "Een Nieuw lied, van een Wanhoopende Minnaar, die zich vertroost met het Nat van Bacchus" (on p. 65 an ode to wine starts).