[Songbooks] Journal d'Amsterdam ou Choix des Chansons Françoises Dedié Au Beau Sexe.
Libr. [not completed]. Amsterdam, W.C. Nolting, n.d. (1789), title with on reverse "Table des Airs Contenus dans ce Premier Livre", 48 p. music scores, ENTIRELY ENGRAVED, contemporary half sheepskin, 4to.
Content here and there trifle tender, yet a very good copy with on endpaper in pen: "Ex libris Diederichs a'Dam 1934" and "van Ph. Molkenboer". Scheurleer, Nederlandse Liedboeken, 217. Price indication on title in "F.", price indication on the pieces themselves in "sols". At Nolting and later at Wed. Nolting, a total of 18 such books appeared between 1789 and 1806. Our book has no volume number on the title, it is likely this was omitted because this concerns the first volume (as indicated by the index). The work consists of 12 engraved "Feuilles", with a total of 26 songs (all songs according to index present), for the songs with multiple verses the text from the second verse on is included outside the music scores.