[Unknown lettershaped mnemonic] Tafel van Multiplicatio of vermenigvuldiging.
Amsterdam, B. Uylenbroek, Prinsengracht, bij de Beerenstraat, No. 273", n.d. (ca. 1810), bifolium with 4 letterpress pages, 23.2 x 39.5 cm. (entire leaf), in the shape of a letter with the publisher's address in the shape of a postage stamp besides the address "Aan Neêrlands Jeugd" and above fictional "Porto 6 Cents", folded as letter.
The outside of the "letter" with the aforementioned "address" is browned and the leaf is torn on the fold below. Extremely rare and very nice item, lovingly addressed to the children, with very vaguely in pencil the name of the original recipient (?). The date is based on only a handful known publications by B. Uylenbroek, dated 1800-1816, we did not find our publication. The "letter", folded with size 9.3 x 11.2 cm., is to be opened in parts after the reading of the "addressing": first the reader sees a new dedication and introduction to "jeugdige Vriend of Vriendin!", above the Tafel van Multiplicatio with on the facing tab the multiplication tables 2 up to 10. The following step reveals (again with short introduction) the "Nederlandse verdeeling-tafel" (1) p., with values of coins from Gouden Rijder to Halve Cent, also measurements, weights, times and symbols. Also included: "6. Van het papier. Een Riem is 20 Boek. Een boek is 24 vel." When one then opens the sheet in its entirety, the two pages "Jaar-Tafel der merkwaardigste gebeurtenissen, uitvindingen en stichtingen in ons Vaderland" show, with below a "nawoord" signed with "den uitgever".