[Mathematics] Beschrijving en handleiding eener reken-machine met staafjes,
geschikt om kinderen, in een korten tijd, de gewone rekenkunde op eene doelmatige, bevattelijke en aangename wijs, zoo wel théorétisch als practisch te leeren. Door A.J.L. Lempe, Onderwijzer te Leyden. Leiden, D. du Mortier en Zoon, 1839, 46,(2) p., with two large folding, handcoloured lithographed plates with 18/ 14 illustrations, also with various letterpress examples in the text, contemporary cardboard.
Small tears in the plates, waterstained in bottom corner, yet still a good, untrimmed copy. Interesting and rare publication on Lempe's "rekenmachine met staafjes". According to his preface, it was based on the invention of Scotsman Nepar, from 1617, by which are meant John Napier (1550-1617) and his invention of logarithms. The machine was suitable for both younger and older children. See also lot 740 for manuscript mathematics books.