Rare manual for general education: Sphinx theologico-philosophica,
ofte de Schriftuurlijcke ende philosophische tijdtkorter, zijnde als een vvet-steen des deughts om de edele ende treffelijcke verstanden in wijsheyt te scherpen ende in allerley wetenschappen vermakelijck te oeffenen. Vergadert uyt de vermaertste, soo christelijcke als heydensche schrijvers, ende tot lust van alle leer-gierige geesten uytgegeven door Johannem Heydfeldium. Maer nu voor onse Nederlanders vertaelt door Petr. Jacobi Austro-Sylvium. Amsterdam, Uyt de Boeck-winckel van Abraham van Blanken, 1658, (8),669,(2) p., with beautiful title engraving, contemporary overlapping vellum, 4to.
Lacks leaf Ss 4 (p. 647-648) but can be simply added in facsimile (for what it's worth) thanks to a digitised copy online; else a heavily used, shabby copy with various defects, sold w.a.f. Lovely and rare Tijdkorter, with chapters on the world, time, fire, birds, earth, stones, trees and herbs, the "dirende wateren", the "(wanschapene) mensen", beauty and ugliness, "sommige volcken en sonderlinghe menschen", "van de wijven" (p.247-277) of course immediately followed by "Van de Sonde", friendship and enmity, meals, war and battle, wealth, honour and shame, truth, justice, liberal arts, "spitsvindigheden der Lees-konste", riddle-writing, arithmetic, death, unsolved and "stomme" riddles (on p. 481 and 657 lovely visual puns).