[Classical antiquity] Caji Silii Italici Punicorum Libri septemdecim,
(...) curante Arnoldo Drakenborgh (...). Utrecht, G. van de Water, 1717, (33),880,(26) p., with engraved frontispiece, 5 engraved plates and engraved illustrations, contemporary blindstamped vellum, ribbed back with morocco letterpiece, firm 4to.
Plates browned, traces of removed ex libris on inside front board and antiquely crossed-out old owner's name on endpaper, yet a very good copy in a lovely, tight binding. With nice dedication by Nicolaas Pott to his friend H. Trotz, dated 18 February 1729. In that year Nicolaas Pott worked as an attorney in Utrecht, his friend H. Trotz is almost certainly Christianus Henricus Trotz (1703-1773), who according to Van der Aa studied with Drakenborch at Utrecht, which makes this book a fitting gift. This C.H. Trotz graduated in 1730 and became professor at Franeker in 1741 and at Delft in 1754. He wrote several important legal works. His library was sold at auction, of the auction a very rare catalogue exists titled Bibliotheca Trotziana sive catalogus librorum (Utrecht, G. Struys), of which a copy is kept at UvA (unfortunately not (yet) available digitally). Our copy may very well be number 156 there, this number is written in pen on the inside of the front board. See on Trotz: https://tinyurl.com/mqbdrqz. In the preliminary pages of our firm work, an interesting list of dozens of earlier editions of the work by Tiberius Catius Silius Italicus (ca. 25-101) is included, beginning with the 1471 edition and concluding with the 1695 edition.