[Jerome. Very rare edition] Les vies et miracles des saincts peres hermites
d'Egypte, Scythie, Thebaide, et autres lieux. Descrites en partie, Traduictes du Grec et recueillies des Anciens Autheurs par Ierosme Docteur de L'eglise. Nouvellement mises en Francois, augmentées de plusieurs vies fort approuvees et enrichi de figures accommodees a l'histoire. Paris, Veuve Guillaume Chaudiere, 1605, (10),448,(18) leaves, with engraved title page and 14 engraved illustrations (incl. 3 repeated illustrations) by J. de Weert, 19th-century morocco with gilt line borders on the boards, richly gilt, ribbed back, 4to.
The end of the preliminary pages lacks an engraved plate with scene of Hieronymus. Title page pasted and damaged, various library stamps at the beginning; here and there slightly stained, with a few wormholes and several other defects. Paging is not always consistent, although the quire signatures are. Very rare edition, with beautiful illustrations. An edition Lyon 1605 also exists, with the same paging but with the name M.R. Gauthier added as editor on the engraved title. Strongly extended edition of the "Vitae" by Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus (ca. 347-420).